Flash messages

Flash messages are used to inform users about the outcome of their actions. They appear at the bottom right of the screen, to minimize the possibiility of crucial information to be overlapped when they appear.

Flash messages can only be called using Javascript, because they are usually bound to specific events triggered by user actions. In the example below, the buttons showcase sample flash messages.

Code output

Below are the Javascript snippets used to produce each of the flash messages from the example.

Javascript code
CopyskyFlashOpen('Info flash message', {
  type: 'info',
  duration: 4000

skyFlashOpen('Error flash message', {
  type: 'error',
  duration: 4000

skyFlashOpen('Warning flash message', {
  type: 'warning',
  duration: 4000

skyFlashOpen('Success flash message', {
  type: 'success',
  duration: 4000


The following options are available for the flash messages.

Option Type Default value Description
type string info Available options are info, error, warning, success.
duration number 4000 Measured in ms.