Core styling

Sky Framework is built on top of a visual style guide that dictates the styling for body content and basic elements. Components, layouts and workflows are also constructed with respect to this style guide.

Color palette

The color palette used in the Sky Framework is based on distinct colors defined by PCCW Global brand guidelines. Multiple accents are created around the dominant colors to promote certain functionalities.


Header navigation




Buttons hovered


Buttons focused, active


Text color


Secondary text color


Body color


Sky Framework uses the Open Sans font family as a base (courtesy of Google fonts), but also gracefully degrades to Helvetica, Arial and system sans-serif fonts. The necessary files required to make use of the Open Sans font family are included as part of the Sky Framework

Body text

Body font-size is set at 15px (=1em) and the line-height set at 22px. Direct body descendant elements that use em values use the body font size as a base. Keep in mind that em values are always relative to their parent container font-size.


Headings from <h2> through <h6> are available - in descending order of importance. The <h1> tag is reserved for the company logo. All the heading tags have predefined colors and predefined margins that depend on the parent element.

Code output

Heading 2 - Secondary text

Heading 3 - Secondary text

Heading 4 - Secondary text

Heading 5 - Secondary text
Heading 6 - Secondary text
HTML Markup
Copy<h2>Heading 2 - <small>Secondary text</small></h2> <!-- font-size 2.5em-->
<h3>Heading 3 - <small>Secondary text</small></h3> <!-- font-size 1.5em -->
<h4>Heading 4 - <small>Secondary text</small></h4> <!-- font-size 1.2em -->
<h5>Heading 5 - <small>Secondary text</small></h5> <!-- font-size 1em -->
<h6>Heading 6 - <small>Secondary text</small></h6> <!-- font-size 0.75em -->

Small tag

You can use the <small> tag to decrease text-size to 0.9em of its parent container.

Code output

This is how small text looks compared to normal paragraph text.

HTML Markup
Copy<p>This is how <small>small text</small> looks compared to normal paragraph text.</p>


Hyperlinks have predefined color states.

Code output
HTML Markup
Copy<a href=#>Hyperlink</a>

Basic elements

Sky Framework includes predefined styling for commonly used HTML tags, like lists and thematic breaks.


There are two kinds of lists - unordered defined as <ul> and ordered defined as <ol> - and are suitable for displaying lists of items that belong to the same group. A styled-list class is required for the lists to be visually styled according to the framework standards.

Lists can be nested within each other as shown below, but they can also be mixed with each other - an ordered list can be placed inside an unordered list and vice-versa.

Code Output
  • This is an unordered list item
  • This is an unordered list item
  • This is a nested list
    • This is an unordered list item
    • This is an unordered list item
    • This is an unordered list item
  • This is an unordered list item
  1. This is an ordered list item
  2. This is an ordered list item
  3. This is a nested list
    1. This is an ordered list item
    2. This is an ordered list item
    3. This is an ordered list item
  4. This is an ordered list item
HTML markup
Copy<ul class="styled-list">
  <li>This is an unordered list item</li>
  <li>This is an unordered list item</li>
  <li>This is a nested list
      <li>This is an unordered list item</li>
      <li>This is an unordered list item</li>
      <li>This is an unordered list item</li>
  <li>This is an unordered list item</li>

<ol class="styled-list">
  <li>This is an ordered list item</li>
  <li>This is an ordered list item</li>
  <li>This is a nested list
      <li>This is an ordered list item</li>
      <li>This is an ordered list item</li>
      <li>This is an ordered list item</li>
  <li>This is an ordered list item</li>

Thematic breaks

Thematic breaks are used to divide content into different sections. Additional classes have been defined to change the style - heavy and dotted or alter the thematic break margin distance between sections - lg, md and sm.

Code Output

Thematic break margin distance

Large thematic break.

Large thematic break.

Medium thematic break.

Medium thematic break.

Normal thematic break.

Normal thematic break.

Small thematic break.

Small thematic break.

HTML markup
<hr class="lg">
<hr class="md">
<hr class="sm">

Thematic break styling

Heavy thematic break.

Heavy thematic break.

Dotted thematic break.

Dotted thematic break.

HTML markup
<hr class="heavy">
<hr class="dotted">