Release notes

Make sure you read the Migration to v2 guide if you are upgrading from Sky Framework v1.



  • Extended tables with table-striped class


Bug fixes


New features

  • Extended framework with white-label source and documentation


  • Deprecated and removed the popover component
  • Visually updated the steps component




Major changes

  • Upgraded responsive grid to flexbox
  • Changed the utilities logic - instead of using a different value for each responsive tier, values are carried on to higher tiers unless overriden, resulting in significant smaller code footprint

New features

Code refactors

  • Refactored source code for easier maintainance; variables have been grouped in more meaningful sets, mixins have been divided in different files
  • Refactored progress bar component source code that resulted in significant footprint reduction
  • Various small bugs and fixes in source and documentation
  • Updated documentation to reflect changes of this version


  • Deprecated visibility and hidden classes which have been replaced with semantic display classes
  • Deprecated reverse-pad classes


Major changes

  • Major code refactoring that significantly reduced source code footprint
  • Defined new variables and multiple SASS mixins in the source to accelerate future framework enhancements
  • Table layout structure was replaced with flexbox
  • Fresh and updated look across all the framework content and components

Supported browsers and devices

  • Dropped support for Android stock browser up to v4.3
  • Dropped support for Internet Explorer 10
  • Dropped support for Windows phones

New features

Code refactors

  • Progress bars have been rewritten to take advantage of accelerated CSS transforms - as opposed to the width attribute used in v1
  • Updated validation colors
  • Concatenated several Javascript functions resulting in smaller total file size.


  • The range slider component has been removed
  • Warning validation classes have been removed from various form elements - input fields, selects, dropdowns, etc
  • Multi-level header navigation component has been removed
  • Dropdown pointy-tip styling has been removed